Using Relationship Clues to Find Your Freedom
Does it seem like something's missing?

Let's face it. Life can feel very challenging, especially in our interactions with other people. Even people we feel close to may not always seem to have our best interests at heart. Over time, often without our even being aware how it happened, we can find ourselves feeling isolated, not good enough, not belonging. Maybe not even loveable. Our closest relationships can seem flat, and it may feel like there's really no one to turn to for support. We can end up feeling disconnected from ourselves and everyone else.
People are often seeking a sense of direction or purpose, or perhaps a feeling of worthiness and belonging. They may want a balanced life with healthy, harmonious relationships in which they are able to both give and receive support equally. Others long for understanding or acceptance of who they really are, a feeling of freedom, or peace of mind.
The pain of disconnection
Are any of these issues familiar to you?
- You feel angry, sad or afraid
- You're subject to unexpected mood swings
- You are troubled by harmful thoughts
- You've stopped doing things you used to really enjoy
- You're feeling isolated or alone
- You feel like you're losing control
- Your relationships feel strained
- You wish you had someone to talk to