In-person therapy sessions are normally conducted at my office located in Didsbury, Alberta. Other location arrangements can sometimes be made if that's not convenient.
Online sessions can be held wherever you have a reasonable assurance of privacy - your home, office - whatever is easiest for you. Connection is simple and convenient, and online counselling is rapidly becoming a popular option. All you need is Internet access, a camera, a microphone and speakers. For couples counselling, make sure the camera can see you both and that you can hear and be heard well.
Therapy sessions are one hour long. Payment for in-person or online is due following each session.
Individual sessions are $105.00.
Couples sessions are $140.00.
Cash, Cheques, eTransfer, American Express, Visa and MasterCard are accepted for payment.
Sessions may be subsidized through the benefit providers below. Coverage depends on your unique benefit plan and the description of services covered. If you have questions regarding your coverage, please contact me.
Not sure if these services are right for you? Get a free 20-minute consultation with no obligations.